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  • krithi
    03-27 11:18 AM
    stop this prediction crap.

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  • chanduv23
    11-08 02:27 PM
    You get 3 greens from me :)

    excellent post

    "Happy Diwali" to anybody on this forum who accepts the Hindu faith.

    I don't think wishing Happy Diwali to fellows of a common faith qualifies as hate mongering; same as a Muslim wishing a fellow Muslim "Eid Mubarak" or a Christian wishing a fellow Chrisitian "Merry Christmas" does not qualify as hate mongering.

    All said and done this is an open forum where potential immigrants to this country (where there is a long history of separation of state and religion) are free to express their opinion.

    USA has certainly benefited from having different cultures live together side by side (within the realm of a common civil and criminal law). Suppression of cultures is more in tune with the ertswhile Soviet policy of suppression of various cultures (Georgian, Ukrainian, the list goes on); and we all know what happpened to Soviet Russia.

    There is no reason potential legal immigrants of different faith should not open a new thread to wish people of fellow faith on commonly celebrated festivals. There is no great reason to pursue political correct speak to the degree where you would have to create a common greeting message if we want to wish "Happy Diwali" to fellow Hindus.

    People of different faiths certainly have the freedom to post a similar message. After all the pool of potential legal immigrants is far and wide.

    And I would certainly be happy for fellow Chinese, Muslims, Chrisitians, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs, Native Americans, Mexicans, Portuegese, Spanish, Greeks, Albanians, Croats, Serbs, Basque, Irish, SriLankan, Bangladeshis, Eritreans, Ethiopians, Somalis, Germans, French, Bralizians, Colombian, Ecuadarean, Argentinians, Chilean, Haitians, West Indians (the list is incomplete mind you) when somebody from their community puts up a message wishing their fellows the arrival of a happy community event.

    The voice of these communities is the "Voice" of "Immigration". It would be foolhardy to try to suppress this voice in favor of political correct speak.

    We are all working toward the same goal (pursuit of happiness); denial of one's culture and simple traditions is not in tune with this pursuit.
    Just my 2 cents.

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  • jonty_11
    06-18 11:17 AM
    I think now EADs will get delayed...surely..

    If its not one thing its the other....we just too many in number....God save us..

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  • aperregatturv
    09-22 07:01 PM
    Another problem i see here....

    this ROY BECK is CEO & Founder of NumbersUSA is doing a backdoor calls directly to Harry Reid to kill this and other bills ....

    Check his Today's Blog

    Link (

    Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has two honorable choices:

    * No. 1: Go around Sen.Menendez who has a "hold" on H.R. 6633, the "clean" E-Verify re-authorization bill passed by the House. Sen. Reid can bring this back-room filibuster to the Senate floor for a vote. If he does this, there easily will be the 60 votes necessary to stop Menendez and allow an overwhelming majority vote to pass H.R. 6633. (Reid reportedly doesn't want to do this because he doesn't want to force some of his Democrats to have to go on record just before the election.)
    * No. 2: Avoid a vote altogether by talking to Menendez privately, persuading him that what he is doing is threatening the reputation of the Democratic Party just before elections and get him to withdraw his "hold" on H.R. 6633. (This way, Reid could then bring H.R. 6633 to the floor in the "hot-wire" fashion which will pass by voice vote.)

    Either way, the American worker and public wins. It is all about Reid doing one of those two things.

    This is why we want you to put particular pressure on Democratic Senators to put an end to Menendez' shameful grandstanding. Fortunately, Senate Republicans are standing firm against Menendez.

    The weakest and most vulnerable American workers -- and non-workers -- will benefit the most from your willingness to step forward and take action this week.


    After we told you that some Republican Senate staffers were working with Sen. Menendez (D-N.J.) for massive increases in foreign workers, you hammered Republican offices for not holding the line for a "clean" E-Verify bill.

    Your efforts really worked. By the end of this last week, Republican Senate staffs were going into negotiations with Democrats and making it clear they were united in oppositiion to a foreign-worker surge at this time of 5-year-high unemployment and financial industry collapse.

    Sen. Menendez apparently is not bothered by the 5-year-high official unemployment rate -- or even by the 292,000 additional American workers who went on unemployment in August alone. He is insisting that if we keep E-Verify, then we have to add another 550,000 foreign workers next year to the 1.1 million immigrants already scheduled to come.

    (AS A REMINDER: E-Verify is the central tool for taking away the job magnet from illegal immigration. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce wants to kill it so outlaw businesses will have more freedom to hire illegal workers. E-Verify is the on-line system that businesses can type into for each new hire and find out if they are an illegal alien.

    (If you live in Arizona, Oklahoma, Georgia -- or any other of the places that have started mandating that businesses use E-Verify -- your efforts to combat illegal immigration will be halted. )


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  • Edison99
    05-07 10:29 AM
    Great effort Pappu!

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  • bugsbunny
    04-21 02:24 PM
    Please call the White house and talk to President directly...May be we should be able to get this done by May 1st. Keep us updated.

    wow and the mocking continues...


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  • eastindia
    05-18 08:51 AM
    Best way to get more immigrants to participate in advocacy efforts by for legal immigration is by communicating to international student organizations of various universities around virginia, maryland, washingtondc,west virginia north and south carolina. Arranging busses for the students is not a bad idea. Students once convinced why they need change in current immigration reforms for employment base legal immigrants will participate in huge numbers to attend the advocacy efforts done by as they have more time in hand

    What will students get out of it? Their Green cards are not stuck? Are you offering them H1B visa that they desperately want? They do not care about Green cards. They only care for scholarship, a job after graduation and H1B sponsorship from the employer. You are offering nothing from this list.

    People whose green cards are stuck should come rather than outsourcing to students?

    If we cannot help ourselves and stand up for ourselves, nobody else would.

    I am trying to take at least a day off from work. I would lose money from my wages if I take day off but I am ready to lose money for the sake of doing something good for myself and family. Others who are sitting on their armchairs should also consider coming to DC if they want their greencards.

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  • us-alien
    01-25 11:37 AM
    contibuted $100 today thru paypal. its good that you added a link on this site. its much easier to pay.


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  • kalia
    07-10 12:40 AM
    Why are people afraid of sending flowers. What are you afraid of.

    Do you think that USCIS will deny your application because you sent them the flowers?

    Do you think that USCIS will stop processing your green card applications?

    Do you think that USCIS will request the president to issue an executive order and stop accepting any your application.

    STOP THINKING AND JUST DO IT. It looks like you have forgotten the "SEND A BRICK CAMPAIGN" carried out by those who wants to secure the borders.

    Just do it. Send flowers now.

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  • chanduv23
    05-29 02:02 PM
    I would further say, what is the difference between you and anti-immigrants in this matter ? You are saying that certain class of people should be kept out of the job market and you have your reasons. Since you are probably US educated, you want those who are non-US educated out of competition. Do not give me the BS reason that those with non-US education are the only ones that fake their resume. As far as faking the resume goes, or bragging goes, its up to the individual. It could be anyone, including Presidents that fake resumes or pad it with embellishments.

    The anti-immigrants are saying that they were born here so those who were not born here should be kept of out the job market to reduce competition (and spur wage inflation, which they would call fair wages, but its really wage inflation, the kind that drowned GM and Chrysler).

    Would it not behoove you to say that the decision of who should be hired and who shouldn't be hired must be deferred to the employers and not the Government or any other special interest ? As an employer, are they not the most capable party here to make that decision and evaluate their options ? Shouldn't people who create wealth (employers, businesses) have the prerogative to decide who they want to hire to help them create wealth ?

    Logiclife - I totally agree with your opinions.

    Me and my wife both are professionals - in different fields - none from ivyleague - we decided not to force our kid into something but to allow her to carve out her own career through her interests. We do not aim for sky , but definitely have vision to grow and become successfulaand strive towards it.

    From all those people who went to school with me - those ivyleagures are still in jobs - kinda secure jobs and they also secure their jobs - one of our C grade classmate who was average mediocre and just did a BA degree is now a very successful entrepreneur - he is big time into infrastructure development and also sponsers a team in IPL

    While i


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  • ganguteli
    03-17 03:20 PM
    Just saw that this dude is banned. Its good. He created a fake profile recently to divide us.

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  • anai
    03-28 08:57 AM
    First of all, please be decent to each other. Now, to the PBEC issue - this is a major problem, and a huge issue for all of us. Currently, the debate in Senate/Congress is centered around Immigration reform and this is a definitely a good time to raise these issues.

    There are a few things we should strive for:
    1. Keep all provisions of Specter's bill related to EB.
    2. Re-instate per country soft limit.

    If both of these provisions are passed, Priority dates for all countries will be current in EB2 and will rapidly move in EB3. A lot of folks in PBEC might be able to use PERM to apply another labor and priority dates will loose their importance, so it is important that these provisions pass.

    This is just the kind of disingenuous logic we do not want. To suggest that folks stuck at PBEC should just file PERM is (a) just like asking people to drink coke instead of tackling water scarcity (b) reflective of the ignorance of the situation faced by many stuck at PBEC.

    Note that IV has a stated goal of solving the BEC issue (6th listed goal on the homepage). The goal is not to make light of the BEC problem by using apparently simple but false logic; the goal is to resolve the BEC mess.

    Do not try to play down what is important to others and hijack the agenda to suit your problems. We have all come together behind each of the stated goals of IV. Let's keep it that way.


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  • krishmunn
    04-20 10:08 PM
    Looks like you are using online degree to support your case as well, that is why you are so pissed off. No matter how loud you shout or how many people you threaten about lawsuits and all that stuff, no one can deny the fact that an online degree does not have much of recognition.

    Say in clear and simple words -- are online degrees from University of North Dakota, University of Massachusetts, North Eastern University etc. legit ? Yes or No

    Your beating around the bush and twisting words just show you have no argument. Didn't your MBA teach you that there is something called logical argument? Or was your degree from the like of TVU ?

    It is only YOU who think that online degree does not have recognition . If you are yet to understand the power of Online educatoin you are probably living in stone age.

    BTW, I do not have a online degree (though I plan to go for an online MBA) but I am pissed off when I see some so called educated people are so eager to get a GC that they will probably kill others to make their way.

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  • satyasaich
    04-09 11:52 AM
    Current crisis in UK is just one example, and i'm not surprised to see "slow bleed" approach.
    It's up to individual situation and decision what to do next
    Gandhi was never an immigrant and was in SA for solving a legal case on a temporary contract. He was always wanting to go back to India but because of the conditions of Indians, he was urged to stay back and help them, he actually went back in between and again came back to SA for a more organized effort.

    The situation now is different. The Durbin Grassely bill lobbyists are basically doing what has been happening in UK where local population do not want Asian immigrants taking high paying challenging jobs in their own soil. They don't seem to care if these jobs go away because the effect will be long term and as such it is a known fact that in these days, we seldom see the immigrant community having a good cooperation, every immigrant feels that one less immigrant, it is good for him.

    This has been happening in every country where highly skilled migrants take job positions in countries like Aus, NZ, UK, Germany etc..

    The US system is harder to crack for anti immigrants than these countries. So they follow this slow bleed approach. On the long run their objectives will be met though it would force out high skilled jobs abroad.

    One good thing is that developing nations must capitulate on this and make their labor laws good and also copyright laws and patent laws so that innovation and products are developed in developing nations and so called developed nations will bleed technology and innovation.


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  • indyanguy
    01-22 12:28 PM
    I don't think any analysis is done. That is only going to divide the community.
    Some would say preference be given to EB category benefiting EB2(I&C).
    Some would say PD should be given preference predominantly benefiting EB3(I).

    If they follow the current spill-over rules, as you are aware, EB category would be given preference.

    Thanks for the reply. I am not sure how that will divide the community. As per USCIS laws currently, the spillover is horizontal. Based on this assumption, will EB3-I get any visas if the recapture is successful?

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  • kak1978
    06-24 10:21 PM
    May be some one who has already renewed their AP can answer this:

    I am about to renew my AP. What will be the start date on the new AP. Is it the date after the current AP expires(like with EAD) or the date the renewal application is approved. Appreciate any responses.


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  • svn
    08-06 09:57 PM
    Keep in mind that 485 eligibility is not just tied to employment but also FBI name checks etc. Do you think USCIS will keep on doing name-checks every other year, or issue EVL's every other year if/when they see for instance, an address change?

    On that point (and back to the original purpose of this thread), I called up USCIS to check on the status on my "pre-adjudication". The customer service rep asked me why I had called up when my priority date was not current (!) and I explained that it was because I had only received a fingerprint notice once and that was in Dec 2007; also it was in connection with my EAD application, as I remember can this be if all applications have been preadjudicated. However, I was surprised when the customer service rep informed that my fingerprints had been updated in Mar 2009 and were valid till Mar 2010! When I mentioned that I had not gone in for any fingerprinting since Dec 2007, she even questioned whether I was saying that those were not my fingerprints and someone else had posed as me!! After that I didn't feel like disputing her anymore! She also told me that my application had been "preadjudicated". Has anyone else seen this happen??

    I am wondering if this is indicative of the fact that USCIS does not want to waste any money reprocessing fingerprints, FBI name checks etc multiple times in connection with applications that are waiting for priority dates to become current.

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  • h1techSlave
    09-29 02:02 PM
    Do you have to go thru an accountant to start a company?

    I started an LLC earlier this year. Much easier and less risk with an LLC. It is still early to say whether the company will make it to higher grounds or not. But I sure am trying. I have me and my wife as manager members. No employees at the moment.

    Best of luck to you all. GC or no GC, we can still make the entrepreneur dream happen.

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  • H1B-GC
    06-25 10:22 AM
    I have a same question regarding travel on existing AP when AP renewal is pending. According to the statement on the form, we can't travel.

    I had asked this question to my Attorney and they said we could Travel on EXISTING and VALID AP even when the Renewal is pending. Make sure you have the Courier Receipts and the Copy of I-94 with you before you travel.Please take this Advise at your Risk.Contact yr Attorney to what he/she says.

    08-25 03:56 PM
    Whats the good news to me :confused:

    Well the above post says - transferred cases get approved too

    10-30 01:19 PM

    Like I said earlier I pretty much feel the same way as you do. I want my spouse to be able to work for a couple of years before I think of moving back to India. But in reality having waited so many years do you think either you or myself will move back 2 years after getting the GC? Don't you think you will be tempted to wait 3 more years get the US citizenship and then move back? I have a few friends who are pretty much just waiting to get citizenship to move back. their argument is that we waited several years to get a GC and we don't want to just throw it away.

    As for making H1B more humane I think it will never happen.

    Most H1B holders get very good offers when they move back to their home countris after say 10 years. But the H4 spouse who spent al these years rotting in the USA again have to continue rotting....Their prospects are dim. So I want to get my GC. Let my spouse work here for couple of years and move back to my Own country.

    So why not H1b made more HUMANE ?;) ;) ;)

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