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  • Macaca
    09-22 04:55 PM
    From Immigration Fight Goes On Without Some Troops ( By June Kronholz | Wall Street Journal, September 20, 2007

    With a comprehensive immigration bill unlikely to be revived in this Congress, supporters now are trying to pass smaller pieces of the original.
    Third could be a business-backed measure that vastly increases the number of visas available to highly skilled workers.
    Meanwhile, NumbersUSA, which helped kill the overhaul bill in June, is at it again. Members of the grass-roots group flooded Senate offices with faxed letters of opposition to the bill last spring. Now, it�s urging members to call their senators, and offers talking points should they be connected. Among them: Illegal immigrants would get in-state tuition, while out-of-state citizens don�t.

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  • msp1976
    10-19 02:28 PM
    My wife is has a bachelor's degree in Computer Science. She is on H4..She is at present pursuing her MS in Comp Sc..She would complete it next May..That degree is costing me a hand and a foot...
    After that she is gonna start looking for a job...But the way the H1 caps are filling these days..I am not sure what would happen..

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  • Winner
    03-27 11:37 AM
    How about we will bet for/against predictions and let all the proceedings go to IV???

    IMO... MOST (Yes, I meant MOST not ALL) of the folks who play prediction game are freeloaders. Once money is involved they will disappear.

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  • dixie
    05-13 10:27 PM
    Reading the article I see that Neelima is, in fact, a US citizen of indian origin; not even an H1-B or GC. So lesson for us - getting a GC may be a convenience for us, but we are naive to think our troubles will end with it.Red neckers of the likes of Loo and his cronies arent suddenly going to accept us as one of them - rather, this is a life long struggle of the kind the african americans had to go through for centuries (and to some extent are still going through). Only wish ABCDs like Ron Hira realize that as well.

    Yes you are right. We need patience till you get your GC...I know its hard but there is no other way but swallow that pride. Its very hard to do that..speaking of which this anti-indian guy who sits next to me at work was making life horrible for few weeks. Things are sorted out now... I have a great Manager.
    I really feel sorry for Neelima's family... wish I could have helped them.


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  • SGP
    02-15 05:25 PM
    Mr. GC_Rip,

    Your are definitely a EB2 worth candidate. A company willing to support you and a good attorney is all you want. There are plenty who have qualified for EB2 with these qualifications.

    Instead of MS, look for a good consultancy or a perm job which will do the trick for you. I do know/understand that it is hard to get consulting jobs and maintaining visa's for family members but look at the bright side, labor nowadays takes only about 3 weeks and 140 if you apply through PP, then you are talking 2 weeks again. You have a possibility to get out of this mess.

    If kids from college gets into EB2 and gets GC in two years, You sure do sir...

    OK now to members who think I am wrong can bash me but this is what I believe in, if a system can tie you down with stupid rules and no accountability on its workers, I am ok with a deserving candidate cutting the line ahead and getting his GC. Hail common sense.

    Hi Bhasky25 : Please pardon my ignorance, but could you please advise in which state is the labor getting approved in 3 weeks? I am asking you this as I switched employers & I will be filing for labor certification in Mid Mar 2011 in CA. This information will be very helpful to me. Thanks.

    If you will be benefited by �I-485 filing without current priority Date�, please vote YES on the Poll.
    Then please send an email to with subject - "I485 filing without current PD - Impacted Member". Include your 1) IV username 2) Email address 3) Ph#, 4) State of Residence, 5)Priority Date so that grassroot efforts can be coordinated. Please refer to the first post on the thread and use the flier,talk to your friends/colleagues to spread the message.We need all members to get involved

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  • Legal
    06-12 02:00 PM
    This is my thought process (also referred by Ron G):

    July 2007 brought in approximately 500K 485 cases.

    We do not know how many cases were pending as of June 2007.

    Fiscal year 2007-2008 USCIS used over 140K EB VISA numbers (I think it was around 155K).
    Fiscal year 2008-2009 USCIS will use atleast 140K EB VISA numbers

    so, 500K - 300K = 200K.

    Assuming USICS approval rate is 85%; 75K of 500K are denied.

    200K - 75K = 125K EB cases pending from the July 2007 cases.

    Additions: from all current categories - may be 25 K in 2 years?

    So, 150 K plus whatever that was pending as of June 2007.

    So next fiscal year, 2009 if USCIS uses the quota 140 K, most or all of the 2007 filings will be cleared. If not EB3 I, definitely EB2 I and C, EB3 ROW will be cleared.

    Depending on new filings, EB3 I might retrogress but retrogression might come within 3-4 years instead of current 8 years.

    I strongly believe, beginning Jan 2010, dates for EB2 (I and C) will move forward heaps and bounds followed by EB3 ROW.

    "Law is an ass".

    One potential loophole (I realize it could be wishful thinking on our part) is how the current law is interpreted. Let's say USCIS interprets the current law in such way that preadjudcated cases have to be approved before taking in new cases, then the country cap hurdle could be overcome without legislation.

    With the current economic situation, tightening of PERM, etc new EB-2 row applications are likely to slow down further. At the most, new approvals will have to be delayed by 12 months or less.

    Could it be legally challenged? Could someone bring a lawsuit to force USCIS to stop issuing GCs to people who have been waiting 10+ yrs or more? possible. I doubt anyone can force them to cancel the already issued GCs.

    Then USCIS could say they have enough preadjudicated cases, and are not able to adjudicate until they clear the backlog.;)

    For the politicians and USCIS this is a much better way to handle India EB backlog than to "issue several hudred thousands of foreign laborers immigrant visas when American citizens are losing jobs in millions" through recapture bill.

    I feel like I just wrote a short story.:)

    Members, feel free to comment.


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  • vinodmp
    02-06 01:53 PM
    more info on my case::

    Company A :
    Pd: 12/31/2003
    Catagory : EB2 India
    Labour cert approved : 3/30/2004
    I 140 RD : 4/13/2006
    I140 approved DT: 9/21/2006
    I 485 sent : 7/2/2007
    I 485 RD : 7/5/2007
    I485 ND : 7/13/2007
    Finger print : 9/2/2007

    Company B :
    joind Date: 2/14/2008 (after 6 months)
    Filed AC21 by company attorney
    contacted congresman's office when PD become current for more than a year but no approval. Got responce that it is pending in extended review.

    Left Company B to move South side because of health issue ( winter) .
    Company B understood the situation and left in good terms with them.

    Company C ( Full time )
    joined Date: 12/14/2009
    Used EAD .

    I140 LUD: 1/29/2010
    I485 deniel email : 25/2010

    I did not change attorney in file from company B for I485 .
    Called companyB attorney on 2/5/10 and they did not even know that I left companyB .
    They said they have not received any communication about I485 and they can deal with me for my 485 directly . they said they will call me once they receive the original letter (not suer wheter attorney get it or myself get it ).

    So this is where I am standing .

    So if my original sponser ( company A ) revoked 140 , should it not say the status denied/cancelled etc at that time ( 2-3 years ago) ?

    If I had known that I would have shifted from companyB or would have looked for a H1 transfer. ( Just my lack of knowledge) .

    Hopefully it is a string Ac21 mis-understanding issue. otherwise I may have to look for a H1 tranfer ( pain again)

    Thanks folks for all the support

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  • ashkam
    12-31 02:30 PM
    I find your ideas illogical, but I respect your opinion. Those who seek God will find Him.

    If you deny facts, however, the facts do not change because of your opinion. People once believed that the Earth is flat.
    You cannot deny that the American nation was found by those who where seeking religious freedom. Also read biographies of G. Washington, A. Lincoln, J. Adams and other founding fathers. They were sincere believers. I cannot explain America's greatness by simple luck. The founding fathers started builidng from scratch about 300 hundred years ago, far behind Europe and Asia. Now the US is the richest country in the world, despite the fact that it's neither the biggest nor the most populous.

    As for your questions, I cannot prove that God exist, just like you cannot prove that He does not. Either way, it's a belief. I chose to believe in God.
    God is the omnipresent, omni powerful spirit who fills the universe. If you want to know more, just ask.

    The question isn't whether God exists, the question is, how probable is God's existence and since it is extremely improbable, it would be a mistake to assume his existence. Read Dawkins for more information.

    Also, your revolutionary war anecdote appears to suggest that God is American. Why is the rest of the world worshiping him then?


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  • vivid_bharti
    07-02 10:49 AM
    Hmmm!!! You raised an interesting point....
    Ombudsman mentioned that "visa wait-times within some preference categories
    for certain nationals may exceed 10 years."

    I think the OP has some valid points. Certainly recapture lawsuit may work as the law does not say that allocated EB visas expire. Do not listen to nay-sayers, just do it.
    Here is one example of the succsessfull class-action (even though the court case died in a court of appeals, it was beneficial to immigrants):

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  • gcdreamer05
    03-11 10:46 PM
    Its so pathetic brother.... we are just making fun of ourselves.........

    Can you please contribute for the FOIA drive......

    GC muddu kavala ante 25$ eeevala....


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  • bluekayal
    10-11 02:13 PM
    Dear pmpforgc,
    My I-140 has not been approved and I am not going in for PP. I thought about it yesterday, but even if the I-140 was approved there is no guarantee that 485 would be approved before Nov.1st.

    what have you decided?


    Dear Nelsonagn and BlueKayal

    Thanks for your responses

    Bluekayal does your I-140 is already approved as Sched. A or are you going for premium processing?

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  • rkay
    06-03 12:25 PM
    Then why do you want to stay here. Just move out.
    When did you start owning America ? Can I see the deed please ?


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  • Macaca
    06-17 07:27 AM
    FBI Name Check Cited In Naturalization Delays - Official Calls Backlog 'Unacceptable' By Spencer S. Hsu and N.C. Aizenman Washington Post Staff Writers, June 17, 2007: part 1 (, part 2 (

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  • getgreensoon1
    04-21 08:21 AM
    Say in clear and simple words -- are online degrees from University of North Dakota, University of Massachusetts, North Eastern University etc. legit ? Yes or No

    Your beating around the bush and twisting words just show you have no argument. Didn't your MBA teach you that there is something called logical argument? Or was your degree from the like of TVU ?

    It is only YOU who think that online degree does not have recognition . If you are yet to understand the power of Online educatoin you are probably living in stone age.

    BTW, I do not have a online degree (though I plan to go for an online MBA) but I am pissed off when I see some so called educated people are so eager to get a GC that they will probably kill others to make their way.

    May your online MBA make you so powerful that you can compete with all the top of the line MBAs.


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  • Cheran
    02-23 08:06 PM
    wa ever suits u..pea brain..
    there was nothing in my post to get offended abt...
    the book was called Q&A.. how do u end up with a title of SlumDOG..
    u jump me.,..just because i call the bluff of fake liberals on this board..

    You can't even write a single sentence right and you call me pea brain? "Wa, U, abt, pickel, alcohall" that’s shows me where you stand. Anyhow, I don't give a rat’s ass about what you have with Gvenkat, but don't generalize and write some fucked up nonsense. I fully know who you refer when you say "Curd rice and Pickle" so don’t assume that everyone else is a moron and that you are above everyone.
    How the heck you assume that I am fake liberal? What you state and what you accuse others are 2 different things, first go read some books and improve your knowledge and then come here. No wonder you choose Pointless as your screen name!!!

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  • venkypal
    02-15 07:07 PM
    Pleaassssssssse dont fight among oursleves ....

    Lets fight against immigration bureacracy and unfair policies...


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  • perm2gc
    08-22 09:58 AM
    I am not able to find the form needs to be submitted for this purpose. Is there any format that I can type and submit them?

    I found that I need to send my request to the following address :

    United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
    Magda S. Ortiz, Director
    FOIA/PA Program
    111 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., 4th Floor
    ULLICO Buiding
    Washington, D.C. 20529
    telephone number: (202) 272-8269
    fax number: (202) 272-8331

    Thanks in advance.
    Are you sure that you can request the copy.. The Classified information may not come under this act.Call the USCIS and they will guide you.

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  • at0474
    03-21 11:37 AM
    I just wanted update this thread with my experience. Could be helpful to people like me who searched many forums frantically. I have 10th year h1b extension valid upto 2010. Instead of going for stamping at US consulate in India, I decided to use advance parole. Most troubling thing about my history was that I had one dwi (Driving While Intoxicated with Alcohol) offense. It is not a deportable offense. However, I was concerned that it would show up at port of entry and they could ask me to go back for consulate processing. I kept all my case related court documents handy. This is very important for anyone travelling with dwi or other serious charges against them.

    Officer directed me to the secondary inspection. Another officer there entered my information into the computer and after making gazillion keystrokes, he stamped my advance parole document/I-94 with 1 year validity. I got up from the chair when he called my name, walked upto his counter and took my documents from him. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. NO BIOMETRICS.

    Hope this helps others.

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  • Macaca
    06-16 06:54 AM
    Is there any information on what an "easy" case is?
    I haven't seen one so far!

    It appears, easy case is a subjective decision made by a USCIS worker based on amount of time needed for the case.

    It is a job scheduler that schedules the shortest job first with a subjective estimate of the time needed to process the case.

    01-15 03:12 PM
    The earlier who mentioned about hard hitting a car on Tree/building to shake the robber and run away is absolutely misleading peoples. There is no reward for bravery or mental sharpness in US for folks who wins a fight with robber or outsmarts them.

    How much the Robber can steal from you - Couple of hundred cash, 5 credit cards ( which you can immediately cancel if you are not injured) and some important contacts. Be Nice with him and give him what he wants, tell them that you understand their situation and be sympathetic and polite with them.

    I once did that and the robber just took 20 bucks from my wallet, 3 Marlboro Lights cigarettes and returned me the rest of money,credit cards,my SSN card and important contact papers and my rest cigarette pack and told me "you look like a nice guy".

    Don't panic seeing robber or don't make the robber panic by shouting or banging your car on the building :) Robbers are just human beings like us with pathetic economic conditions ....

    I have to respectfully disagree with the point 4 you have mentioned.

    If a thug is attacking you, it is best to just obey what ever he is demanding. Under no circumstances, try to outsmart him. Us trying to outsmart a thug during a robbery will be like the thug trying to outsmart us in computer programming.

    If a thug wants the car, just give him the keys and walk away. Insurance will pay us the price of the car - deductible. The same amount we will get, if we take our chance and destroy the car trying to outsmart the guy. And who knows, may be the 'thug' is a cousin of yours trying a prank on you. And in the dark, you could not really see his face.

    Robbers charging your credit card is no big deal either. There are federal laws protecting us on incorrect credit card charges. Would you want to risk your life for just $50?

    10-10 04:14 PM

    May be this is not a prediction thread. But the OP and some others are all about VB in another thread or two. While I personally dont have any issue with it, it just frustates me that people dont understand that VB is not going to do any magic for PD's in 2003 or later. C mon Lets be realistic. After doing all the math in so many threads, Does any one expect that the PD will be some where in the ending of 2003. Hell no. Then why is that we have a Dec Bulletin thread way back? Now some one is gonna come start a Jan prediction thread. Useless. I hate to comment on this but I hope people understand the difference between discussion as you said(which I personally agree) and useless predictions when they can make educated guess and do something else.
    I am glad you agree with me that discussion is different from prediction!! As far as the futility of predictions go, I agree with you. the beauty of this thread is in seeing someone (like GCanyMinute) say that their PD is now current. while we commiserate about our condition, it is the ray of hope that keeps all of us sane does it not?

    here is to cheering for people who are crossing the finish line :-))

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